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Google Play Store unveils a new logo to mark its 10th anniversary.

Google Play Store 10th anniversary

With its consumers, Google Play Store is celebrating its tenth anniversary by giving all subscribers fantastic 10x Play boost points. Additionally, the business offers a triangle logo with more rounded sides that are separated into four colour sections: blue, red, yellow, and green.

For the past 10 years, Google has been offering its users uninterrupted, outstanding services. Yes! the number is not so huge but the offers, games, exciting new movies, books, and countless apps are aimed to highlight your fantastic experiences with the Android app market.

The Google Play Store has successfully assisted users for ten years and is completely devoted to helping you learn and grow during ten years of play. Nevertheless, the names and pictures of these inventors are already part of our everyday vocabulary.

Whether you were binge-watching television shows, listening to film music, making purchases with your digital wallet, or trading memes with your pals on group chats, these applications defined a generation of the Google Play Store.

However, as part of a bonus on points campaign, Google is offering users a ten-fold multiplier on Google Play Points for a limited time. To take advantage of this deal, you must activate your Google Play Points profile.

Without a question, the Google Play Store is always being updated to meet consumers' needs and wants while maintaining the highest level of device security.

About the Author

Taha JK has worked in The JK Union for recent years and is currently the Author of The JK Union. He is tall for no reason and lives in World.

4 تعليقات

  1. i like this logo
    1. i also
  2. WOW
  3. hmm.
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